How to make a living with Tik Tok

How to make a living with Tik Tok ?

Many networks allow you to earn money by creating videos’money on the internet. S’However, there is one medium that stands out from all the others, and that is video’is TikTok. Created in 2016 by the’ByteDance company, TikTok is today’Today the network that pays content creators the most.

Find out how to really make a living on this platform.

Become the best tiktokeur by creating captivating videos

Since July 22, 2020, TikTok s’is committed to paying a fee to all those who will use their creativity and voice on their media. To do this, a 200 million dollar fund has been raised to help you. The Funding is granted to content creators based on several criteria. You must:

  • have at least 10,000 subscribers and 100,000 views on your account in the last 30 days,
  • reside in the following countries: France, United States, Spain, Germany or Italy,
  • Be at least 18 years old,
  • It is important to have an account that respects all community guidelines and terms of use’It is used.

This n’is that’by creating quality content on your account you can gain the required subscribers and views. To get started on tiktok, you You must publish videos that capture the attention of your customers’audience’s attention. N’Don’t hesitate to draw inspiration from the content available on the web to get more exposure’and become the best tiktokeur. You can also use the creative tools available on the’application to do your editing.

TikTok offers its community filters and trendy music to make interesting videos. You also have the ability to change the speed, add special effects, text or voiceover to all your content.

Choose a good niche to become the best tiktokeur

Many brands use influencers on TikTok to promote their products. Audience marketing’The influence allows these companies to be more effective’have more visibility on the international market. A For example, the brand can pay you to create on your TikTok account a video that explains how to make’oil from’olive can beautify the skin. C’The concept of sponsored content. To succeed in this field, you need to choose a good niche.

Cooking and fashion for example are niches that work very well for tiktokers. Once you’ve made your choice, all of your videos should follow this theme. C’This is how you will get partnerships with brands that are in your field.

Companies might hate it if you talk about diet and greasy burgers on the same video. Then make sure that your content is relevant and appropriate for the target audience.

Work with d’other influencers on TikTok

Make appearances with other currencies’Other influencers on TikTok can help you increase your brand awareness. Your videos will be successful, especially if you collaborate with tiktokeurs who have millions of’subscribers and views. However, it is very important to work with influencers who share your values and ideas.

You can lose subscribers for collaborating with an influencer who hates sugary drinks while you promote them.

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