The metaverse, an Eldorado for companies

The metaverse, an Eldorado for companies

The metavers It makes a lot of people talk about it’ink these days. C’is that the’But the brand’s strategy is much more ambitious than that, and it is causing a lot of speculation about the idea of a coherent, totally virtual world in which we could interact in a complex way’It is no longer really at the stage of fantasy. If these are only embryos of metavers that can be used to create a virtual reality, it is possible to use them’It is a new market that is opening up nowadays’Thus, this craze is already enormous for the public as well as for companies.

Indeed, they see in the metaverse immense possibilities and the next step in the digital transformation of the economic world. By participating in the creation of’a world, companies intend to infuse it with their messages while democratizing a new way of consuming digital objects that already exist in the video game world. Analysis of the possibilities raised by the metaverse for a company like Nike.

If the metaverse is far away, the instruments are already there

To be able to walk around in a virtual world, it will be necessary to put on instruments that work on our senses. Indeed, what distinguishes the metaverse from the enterprise is the fact that the company intends to sell virtual items to users’internet, c’is well the feeling of the’user. More’If they are only embryos of metavers that are not equipped with screens or mice to navigate, they will have to walk, touch, talk, in short, imitate our behavior in the real world.

For a long time, this possibility has been imagined in science fiction novels, but nowadays, it’s a’Today, many of these tools are being used in a variety of ways’already used by millions of people. If the virtual reality headset itself was a very uncommon accessory a few years ago, it is not the only one’This is no longer the case today’today. Indeed, the video game world, which is unanimously hailed as the laboratory and the pioneer field in terms of virtual reality, has been able to democratize the VR headset as well as the augmented reality.

D’Now and already, a digital world of fun is being created’organized in the world. With chat rooms, poker games in virtual reality, or Pokémon Go, the worldwide success on mobile, which introduced augmented reality to the general public.

As much as today’successful experiences that have attracted major companies. For expose their brands, of course, but even more so for some.

Joining the creation of worlds, a goal for companies

The metaverse is the’idea of’It is the interconnection between the different virtual worlds to create a vast and homogeneous reality, which is no longer the case today’image of our own.

For the moment, the computing power of our computers is simply insufficient to generate and keep in time such a volume of data. Small virtual worlds such as Roblox are thus born within the metaverse 1.0. C’is of’elsewhere in this one that Nike declared to want to create Nikeland, a virtual world which will be based on sports games, of course.

But the brand strategy is much more ambitious than that.

Indeed, at the’s technology, which is already used by millions of users’The company intends to sell virtual items to users’ avatars. Thus, it’s a new market that’open to Nike. In addition to being able to sell very tangible clothes, their stated goal is to succeed in do the same thing in the virtual world.

A gain that’we can only measure as immense, so much the creation of a new world’digital clothes will be, in itself, only lines of binary codes saved on a server.

The added value is therefore far greater than the reality, in addition to’being an extraordinary showcase for these brands.

A need for investment to create a viable metaverse

Metavers is a technology that is far from being a reality at the moment’be profitable. The group recently renamed Meta by Marck Zuckerberg is investing massively while declaring to be aware that it will be at a loss for the next few years. Roblox, another leader in virtual worlds, boasts almost 150 million users’monthly users, but still remains at a loss according to the’year 2020 with more than 250 million in the negative.

The technical effort required to keep these worlds alive with all the changes in the players takes up a lot of resources.

L’importance of brands

The companies specialized in metavers people rely on brands to develop an economy in virtual worlds. L’The emergence of cryptocurrencies as NTFs are very encouraging signs that go in this direction.

If the bet is big, companies can not only renew themselves and build a new customer relationship with this type of technology, but also, and more importantly, create a whole new market, potentially as big as the global market. All of this, being much more profitable since it is the only way to make money’it eliminates the transportation of goods and the manufacturing of hardware. A Nike subsidiary working exclusively on the metaverse will be able to create, distribute, sell and manage an entire collection in one place. A market with a’other constraints, certainly, but much less important for companies.

But above all, a virgin world that’it s’is about building entirely.

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